import Parser from 'rss-parser' import { Feed } from 'feed' import Handlebars from 'handlebars/runtime' import template from './templates/list_posts.precompiled' addEventListener('scheduled', event => { event.waitUntil(handleScheduled(event)) }) addEventListener('fetch', event => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) }) /** * Deliver aggregated content according to the formats requested * @param {Request} request */ async function handleRequest(request) { const cacheUrl = new URL(request.url) const cacheKey = new Request(cacheUrl.toString(), request) const cache = caches.default const cacheMaxAge = CACHE_MAX_AGE || 3600 let response = await cache.match(cacheKey) if (response) return response const path = new URL(request.url).pathname if (path === '/') { let content = await WORKER_PLANET_STORE.get('html') response = new Response(content, { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html;charset=UTF-8', 'Cache-Control': `max-age=${cacheMaxAge}`, }, }) } else if (path === '/rss') { let content = await WORKER_PLANET_STORE.get('rss') response = new Response(content, { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/rss+xml', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=3600', }, }) // } else if (path === '/atom') { // let content = await WORKER_PLANET_STORE.get('atom') // response = new Response(content) } else { return new Response('', { status: 404 }) } await cache.put(cacheKey, response.clone()) return response } /** * Fetch all source feeds and generate the aggregated content * * TODO implement a faster way to fetch several sources * * @param {*} event */ async function handleScheduled(event) { let feeds = FEEDS.split(',') let content = [] let sources = [] let items for (let url of feeds) { try { items = await fetchAndHydrate(url) sources.push({ name: items[0].source_title, link: items[0].source_link }) } catch (error) { console.log(`Failed to fetch ${url}`) console.log(error) } content.push(...items) } //sort all the elements chronologically (recent first) content.sort((a, b) => { let aDate = new Date(a.isoDate) let bDate = new Date(b.isoDate) if (aDate < bDate) { return 1 } else if (aDate === bDate) { return 0 } else { return -1 } }) if (content.length > MAX_SIZE) { content = content.slice(0, MAX_SIZE) } // Generate feed let feed = createFeed(content) let html = createHTML(content, sources) // Store await WORKER_PLANET_STORE.put('rss', feed.rss2()) //await WORKER_PLANET_STORE.put('atom', feed.atom1()) await WORKER_PLANET_STORE.put('html', html) } /** * Take a feed URL, fetch all items and attach source information * @param {Array} feeds */ async function fetchAndHydrate(feed) { console.log(`[fetchAndHydrate] start to fetch feed: ${feed}`) let resp = await fetch(feed) console.log(`[fetchAndHydrate] response: ${resp.status}`) let parser = new Parser() let content = await resp.text() let contentFeed = await parser.parseString(content) for (let item of contentFeed.items) { item.source_title = contentFeed.title item.source_link = if ('content:encoded' in item) { item.content = item['content:encoded'] } } console.log( `[fetchAndHydrate] Finished fetch feed: ${feed}. ${contentFeed.items.length} items gathered`, ) return contentFeed.items } /** * Builds a feed object from the provided items * @param {Array} items */ function createFeed(items) { console.log(`[createFeed] start building the aggregated feed`) const feed = new Feed({ title: TITLE, description: DESCRIPTION, id: CUSTOM_URL, link: CUSTOM_URL, }) for (let item of items) { feed.addItem({ title: item.title, id: item.guid, link:, description: item.contentSnippet, content: item.content, author: [ { name: item.creator, email: '', link: item.source_link, }, ], contributor: [], date: new Date(item.isoDate), }) } console.log(`[createFeed] Finished building the aggregated feed`) return feed } /** * Generete the HTML page with the aggregated contents * @param {*} items * @returns */ function createHTML(items, sources) { console.log(`[createHTML] building the HTML document`) let template = Handlebars.templates['list_posts'] return template({ items: items, sources: sources, page_title: TITLE, page_description: DESCRIPTION, }) }