
182 lines
5.4 KiB

use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use sha1::{Digest, Sha1};
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use walkdir::WalkDir;
static BASE_RGIT_DIR: &'static str = ".rgit";
lazy_static! {
static ref RGIT_DIR: Mutex<String> = Mutex::new(BASE_RGIT_DIR.to_owned());
static ref OLD_DIR: Mutex<String> = Mutex::new("".to_owned());
pub struct RefValue {
pub value: String,
pub symbolic: bool,
// The below two methods are not the same thing as a "context manager"
// I might need to replace it later with a better alternative.
pub fn set_rgit_dir(path: &str) {
let mut dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap();
let mut old_dir = OLD_DIR.lock().unwrap();
*old_dir = dir.to_string();
*dir = format!("{}/.rgit", path);
pub fn reset_rgit_dir() {
let mut dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap();
let mut old_dir = OLD_DIR.lock().unwrap();
if old_dir.to_string() == "" {
*dir = BASE_RGIT_DIR.to_string().clone();
} else {
*dir = old_dir.to_string();
*old_dir = "".to_string();
pub fn init() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap().to_owned();
fs::create_dir(format!("{}/{}", dir, "objects"))?;
pub fn hash_object(content: &Vec<u8>, _type: String) -> String {
let dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap().to_owned();
let mut raw = format!("{}\u{0}", _type).into_bytes();
let mut data = content.clone();
raw.append(&mut data);
let mut hasher = Sha1::new();
let digest = &hasher.finalize();
let s = format!("{:x}", digest);
fs::write(format!("{}/{}/{}", dir, "objects", s), raw.as_slice())
.expect("Failed to write object");
return s;
pub fn get_object(hash: String, expected: String) -> String {
let dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap().to_owned();
let mut content = fs::read_to_string(format!("{}/{}/{}", dir, "objects", hash))
.expect("Could not find a matching object");
let index = content.find(char::from(0)).expect("object type missing");
let data = content.split_off(index + 1);
if expected != "".to_owned() {
// Compare the type
assert_eq!(expected, content);
return data;
pub fn update_ref(mut reference: String, value: RefValue, deref: bool) {
let dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap().to_owned();
reference = get_ref_internal(reference, deref).0;
let content: String;
assert!(value.value != "");
if value.symbolic {
content = format!("ref: {}", value.value);
} else {
content = value.value;
let path = format!("{}/{}", dir, reference);
let mut parents = Path::new(&path).ancestors();
let parent = parents.next().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
fs::create_dir_all(parent).expect("Cannot create required dirs");
fs::write(path, content).expect("Failed to updated HEAD");
pub fn get_ref(reference: String, deref: bool) -> RefValue {
return get_ref_internal(reference, deref).1;
pub fn delete_ref(reference: String, deref: bool) {
let dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap().to_owned();
let ref_to_del = get_ref_internal(reference, deref).0;
fs::remove_file(format!("{}/{}", dir, ref_to_del)).unwrap();
pub fn iter_refs(prefix: &str, deref: bool) -> Vec<(String, RefValue)> {
let dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap().to_owned();
let mut refs: Vec<(String, RefValue)> = vec![];
refs.push(("HEAD".to_owned(), get_ref("HEAD".to_owned(), deref)));
get_ref("MERGE_HEAD".to_owned(), deref),
for entry in WalkDir::new(format!("{}/refs/", dir.clone())) {
let item = entry.unwrap();
let metadata = item.metadata().unwrap();
if metadata.is_file() {
let relative_path = item.path().strip_prefix(dir.clone()).unwrap();
get_ref(relative_path.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(), deref),
let mut filtered_refs = vec![];
for reference in refs {
if reference.0.starts_with(prefix) && reference.1.value != "".to_owned() {
return filtered_refs;
pub fn get_ref_internal(reference: String, deref: bool) -> (String, RefValue) {
let dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap().to_owned();
let ref_path = format!("{}/{}", dir, reference);
let mut value = fs::read_to_string(ref_path).unwrap_or("".to_owned());
let symbolic = !value.is_empty() && value.starts_with("ref:");
if symbolic {
let new_ref: Vec<&str> = value.splitn(2, ": ").collect();
value = new_ref[1].to_owned();
if deref {
return get_ref_internal(value, deref);
return (reference, RefValue { value, symbolic });
pub fn fetch_object_if_missing(oid: String, remote_git_dir: String) {
if object_exists(oid.clone()) {
let dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap().to_owned();
let rgit_remote = remote_git_dir + "/.rgit";
format!("{}/objects/{}", rgit_remote, oid.clone()),
format!("{}/objects/{}", dir, oid),
.expect(format!("Failed to fetch {}", oid).as_str());
fn object_exists(oid: String) -> bool {
let dir = RGIT_DIR.lock().unwrap().to_owned();
let path = format!("{}/objects/{}", dir.clone(), oid.clone());
return Path::new(path.as_str()).exists();