use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::path::Path; #[path = ""] mod data; pub struct Commit { pub tree: String, pub parent: String, pub message: String, } pub fn write_tree(directory: String) -> String { let mut entries: Vec<(String, String, String)> = vec![]; let mut name; let mut type_: String; let mut oid: String; let it = fs::read_dir(&directory).unwrap(); for entry in it { let item = entry.unwrap(); let metadata = item.metadata().unwrap(); name = item.file_name(); let full = format!("{}/{}", directory, name.to_str().unwrap()); if is_ignored(&full) { continue; } if metadata.is_file() { type_ = "blob".to_owned(); oid = data::hash_object(&fs::read(&full).unwrap(), type_.clone()); println!("{} {}", oid, full); } else if metadata.is_dir() { type_ = "tree".to_owned(); oid = write_tree(full); } else { panic!("What is this?"); } entries.push(( name.to_str().unwrap().to_owned().clone(), oid.clone(), type_.clone(), )); } entries.sort(); let mut tree = String::new(); for entry in entries { tree.push_str(&format!("{} {} {}\n", entry.2, entry.1, entry.0)); } return data::hash_object(&tree.into_bytes(), "tree".to_owned()); } pub fn read_tree(oid: String) { empty_current_directory(".").unwrap(); for (path, object_id) in get_tree(oid, "./".to_owned()).iter() { let mut dirs = Path::new(path).ancestors();; let dir =; fs::create_dir_all(dir).expect("Cannot create required dirs"); fs::write(path, data::get_object(object_id.clone(), "".to_owned())) .expect("Cannot write required object"); } } pub fn commit(message: &str) -> String { let mut commit = format!("tree {}\n", write_tree(".".to_owned())); let head = data::get_ref("HEAD".to_owned(), true); if head.value != "" { commit += format!("parent {}\n", head.value).as_str(); } commit += "\n"; commit += format!("{}\n", message).as_str(); let oid = data::hash_object(&commit.into_bytes(), "commit".to_owned()); data::update_ref( "HEAD".to_owned(), data::RefValue { value: oid.clone(), symbolic: false, }, true, ); return oid; } pub fn get_commit(oid: String) -> Commit { let commit = data::get_object(oid, "commit".to_owned()); let tree: String; let mut parent: String = "".to_owned(); let message: String; let mut message_start = 2; let lines: Vec<&str> = commit.lines().collect(); let mut line_items: Vec<&str> = lines[0].splitn(2, " ").collect(); tree = line_items[1].to_owned(); line_items = lines[1].splitn(2, " ").collect(); if line_items[0] == "parent" { parent = line_items[1].to_owned(); message_start = 3; } message = lines[message_start..].join("\n"); return Commit { tree, parent, message, }; } pub fn iter_commits_and_parents(mut oids: VecDeque) -> Vec { let mut visited: HashSet = HashSet::new(); let mut oid_sequence = vec![]; while !oids.is_empty() { let oid = oids.pop_front().unwrap(); if oid == "" || visited.contains(&oid) { continue; } visited.insert(oid.clone()); oid_sequence.push(oid.clone()); let commit = get_commit(oid); // Deal with parent next oids.push_front(commit.parent); } return oid_sequence; } pub fn checkout(name: String) { let oid = get_oid(name.clone()); let commit = get_commit(oid.clone()); let head; read_tree(commit.tree); if is_branch(name.clone()) { head = data::RefValue { symbolic: true, value: format!("refs/heads/{}", name), }; } else { head = data::RefValue { symbolic: false, value: oid, }; } data::update_ref("HEAD".to_owned(), head, false); } pub fn create_tag(name: String, oid: String) { data::update_ref( format!("refs/tags/{}", name), data::RefValue { value: oid, symbolic: false, }, true, ); } pub fn get_oid(mut name: String) -> String { if name == "@".to_owned() { name = "HEAD".to_owned(); } let refs_to_try: [String; 4] = [ format!("{}", name), format!("refs/{}", name), format!("refs/tags/{}", name), format!("refs/heads/{}", name), ]; for reference in refs_to_try.into_iter() { let found = data::get_ref(reference.clone(), false); if found.value != "" { return found.value; } else { continue; } } let mut is_hex = true; for c in name.chars() { if !c.is_ascii_hexdigit() { is_hex = false; } } if name.len() == 40 && is_hex { return name; } panic!(format!("Unknown name {}", name)); } pub fn create_branch(name: String, oid: String) { data::update_ref( format!("refs/heads/{}", name), data::RefValue { value: oid, symbolic: false, }, true, ); } fn is_ignored(path: &String) -> bool { if path.contains(".rgit") { true } else { false } } fn tree_entries(oid: String) -> Vec<(String, String, String)> { let mut entries: Vec<(String, String, String)> = vec![]; let tree_data = data::get_object(oid, "tree".to_owned()); for line in tree_data.split_terminator("\n") { let items: Vec<&str> = line.splitn(3, " ").collect(); entries.push(( items[0].to_owned(), // _type items[1].to_owned(), // oid items[2].to_owned(), // name )); } return entries; } fn get_tree(oid: String, base_path: String) -> HashMap { let mut result = HashMap::new(); for entry in tree_entries(oid) { // _type, oid, name assert!(entry.2.find("/").is_none()); assert!(entry.2 != ".."); assert!(entry.2 != "."); let path = base_path.clone() + entry.2.as_str(); if entry.0 == "blob".to_owned() { result.insert(path.clone(), entry.1.clone()); } else if entry.0 == "tree".to_owned() { result.extend(get_tree(entry.1, format!("{}/", path))); } else { panic!("Unknown tree entry: {}", entry.0); } } result } fn empty_current_directory(dir: &str) -> io::Result<()> { // Delete current directory, except the ignored directories and files for entry in fs::read_dir(dir)? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); if is_ignored(&path.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()) { continue; } if path.is_dir() { empty_current_directory(path.to_str().unwrap())?; match fs::remove_dir(&path) { Ok(()) => (), _ => println!("Unable to remove dir {}", path.clone().to_str().unwrap()), }; } else { fs::remove_file(&path)? } } Ok(()) } fn is_branch(name: String) -> bool { return data::get_ref(name, true).value != ""; }