use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; #[path = ""] mod data; fn compare_trees(trees: Vec>) -> HashMap> { let len_trees = trees.len(); let mut entries: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); for (i, tree) in trees.iter().enumerate() { for (path, oid) in tree { if entries.contains_key(path) { entries.get_mut(path).unwrap()[i] = oid.clone(); } else { entries.insert(path.clone(), vec!["".to_owned(); len_trees]); entries.get_mut(path).unwrap()[i] = oid.clone(); } } } return entries; } fn diff_blobs(o_from: String, o_to: String, path: String) -> String { let f_from = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); let f_to = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); if o_from != "" { let content = data::get_object(o_from, "blob".to_owned()); fs::write(f_from.path(), content).unwrap(); } if o_to != "" { let content = data::get_object(o_to, "blob".to_owned()); fs::write(f_to.path(), content).unwrap(); } let output = Command::new("diff") .arg("--unified") .arg("--show-c-function") .arg("--label") .arg(format!("a/{}", path)) .arg(f_from.path()) .arg("--label") .arg(format!("a/{}", path)) .arg(f_to.path()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .output() .expect("Failed to launch diff"); return String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).to_string(); } pub fn diff_trees(t_from: HashMap, t_to: HashMap) -> String { let mut output = "".to_owned(); let trees = vec![t_from, t_to]; for (path, oids) in compare_trees(trees).iter() { let o_from = oids[0].clone(); let o_to = oids[1].clone(); if o_from != o_to { output.push_str(diff_blobs(o_from, o_to, path.clone()).as_str()); } } return output; } pub fn changed_files( t_from: HashMap, t_to: HashMap, ) -> Vec<(String, String)> { let mut result = vec![]; let trees = vec![t_from, t_to]; for (path, oids) in compare_trees(trees).iter() { let o_from = oids[0].clone(); let o_to = oids[1].clone(); if o_from != o_to { let action = if o_from == "" { "new file" } else if o_to == "" { "deleted" } else { "mofified" }; result.push((path.clone(), action.to_owned())) } } return result; } pub fn merge_trees(t_head: HashMap, t_other: HashMap) -> HashMap { let mut tree = HashMap::new(); let trees = vec![t_head, t_other]; for (path, oids) in compare_trees(trees).iter() { tree.insert(path.clone(), merge_blobs(oids[0].clone(), oids[1].clone())); } return tree; } fn merge_blobs(o_head: String, o_other: String) -> String { let f_head = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); let f_other = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); if o_head != "" { let content = data::get_object(o_head, "blob".to_owned()); fs::write(f_head.path(), content).unwrap(); } if o_other != "" { let content = data::get_object(o_other, "blob".to_owned()); fs::write(f_other.path(), content).unwrap(); } let output = Command::new("diff") .arg("-DHEAD") .arg(f_head.path()) .arg(f_other.path()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .output() .expect("Failed to merge file"); return String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).to_string(); }