
241 lines
6.5 KiB

use chrono::{Duration, NaiveDate, Utc};
use clap::{value_parser, Arg, ArgAction, Command};
use rpassword;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::env;
use std::process;
use url::Url;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct User {
id: String,
username: String,
acct: String,
url: String,
bot: bool,
last_status_at: Option<String>,
impl User {
fn is_active(&self, days: i32) -> bool {
if self.last_status_at.is_none() {
return false;
let today = Utc::now().date_naive();
let limit = today - Duration::days(days as i64);
match NaiveDate::parse_from_str(self.last_status_at.as_ref().unwrap().as_str(), "%Y-%m-%d")
Ok(last_status_date) => {
if last_status_date < limit {
} else {
_ => false,
fn main() {
let matches = Command::new("jacanaoesta")
.author("Gonçalo Valério <gon@ovalerio.net>")
.about("Find people that no longer are active in your Mastodon follow list.")
.help("Ask for API key")
.help("Days since last status to consider inactive")
let ask_for_key = matches.get_flag("api-key");
let api_key = match get_api_key(ask_for_key) {
Ok(key) => key,
_ => {
println!("Could not find a valid API Key");
let instance = matches
.expect("Instance is missing");
let days = matches
.expect("Days must be a integer");
if *days < 1 {
println!("Days must be a positive integer");
if !validate_url(&instance) {
println!("Invalid instance URL");
let user_id: String;
match check_api_availability(&instance, &api_key) {
Ok(id) => user_id = id,
Err(reason) => {
println!("{}", reason);
let following;
match fetch_followed_users(&instance, &api_key, &user_id) {
Ok(users) => following = users,
Err(reason) => {
println!("{}", reason);
println!("Found {} users. Checking...", following.len());
let inactive_users: i32 = following
.map(|user| {
if user.is_active(*days) {
return 0;
} else {
println!("{} ({}) seems to be inactive", user.username, user.url);
return 1;
"{} of them seem to be inactive for at least {} days",
inactive_users, days
fn get_api_key(ask: bool) -> Result<String, ()> {
if ask {
match rpassword::prompt_password("Paste API Key here:") {
Ok(key) => return Ok(key),
_ => Err(()),
} else {
match env::var("JCNE_MAST_API_KEY") {
Ok(key) => return Ok(key),
_ => Err(()),
fn validate_url(instance: &String) -> bool {
let parsed_url;
match Url::parse(instance) {
Ok(url) => parsed_url = url,
_ => return false,
let scheme = parsed_url.scheme();
if scheme != "https" && scheme != "http" {
return false;
let path = parsed_url.path();
if path != "/" {
return false;
fn check_api_availability(instance: &String, api_key: &String) -> Result<String, String> {
let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
let response;
match client
.get(format!("{}/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials", instance))
.header("Authorization", format!("Bearer {}", api_key))
Ok(resp) => response = resp,
_ => return Err("Failed to connect ".to_string()),
if response.status().is_success() {
let data = response.json::<User>().unwrap();
} else {
Err("Failed to connect ".to_string())
fn fetch_followed_users(
instance: &String,
api_key: &String,
user_id: &String,
) -> Result<Vec<User>, String> {
let mut response;
let mut users = Vec::new();
let mut url = format!("{}/api/v1/accounts/{}/following", instance, user_id);
let mut still_has_followers = true;
let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
while still_has_followers {
match client
.header("Authorization", format!("Bearer {}", api_key))
Ok(resp) => response = resp,
_ => return Err("Unable to fetch all followers".to_string()),
if response.status().is_success() {
let headers = response.headers().clone();
let mut data = response.json::<Vec<User>>().unwrap();
users.append(&mut data);
let link_header;
match headers.get("link") {
Some(link) => link_header = link.to_str().unwrap().to_string(),
_ => {
still_has_followers = false;
match get_next_page(link_header) {
Ok(next_page) => url = next_page,
_ => still_has_followers = false,
} else {
return Err("Invalid server response".to_string());
fn get_next_page(link_header: String) -> Result<String, ()> {
let adj_pages: Vec<&str> = link_header.split(",").collect();
// It is too late in the night and I don't have the patience for this.
// Will fix later, for now lets assume the nonsense below works.
let next_page = adj_pages[0];
if next_page.find("next").unwrap_or(0) == 0 {
return Err(());
let url_start = next_page.find("<").unwrap();
let url_end = next_page.find(">").unwrap();
Ok(next_page[url_start + 1..url_end].to_string())