import pytest from inlinehashes import __version__, parse from inlinehashes.lib import _EVENT_HANDLER_ATTRS, Inline class TestInline: def test_cant_be_changed(self): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize( "content,short_version", ( ("", ""), ("var a = 1", "var a = 1"), ("a" * 60, "a" * 50), ("a " * 100, "a " * 25), ), ) def test_short_content_property(self, content, short_version): inline = Inline(content=content) assert inline.short_content == short_version @pytest.mark.parametrize( "content,hash", ( ( "// some random text just for the test", "sha256-vzu2ZpqtqjZiOP3l+j6HQsHp+riIi8i0xVa6on8mlRo=", ), ( "var someVar = { name: 'some object' };", "sha256-v/WJgrg+M5LxuU0IK/Y1dT3tksK9AiJzm1dKDBVW+iw=", ), ( "color:blue;font-size:46px;", "sha256-DFhv4zzzY7i3fh6qPPRuAiglNEX0GP7ZxllkMYPUF90=", ), ("var i = 1;", "sha256-1QhCpB/IFWw8Pb/g/IBzIBgErHWG5wrytauZib+UF+g="), (" var i = 1; ", "sha256-JXsq/1KEtrnrlGozP1V228Z4rNL2pB7MlgpEBBbVnLA="), ), ) def test_sha256_property(self, content, hash): inline = Inline(content=content) assert inline.sha256 == hash @pytest.mark.parametrize( "content,hash", ( ( "// some random text just for the test", "sha384-A5EAhuefnNnRpbU0i6b6GBGk/fhBeEbvVVnYrzVFcbxgiuNmk5K59nFbJQZiagi2", ), ( "var someVar = { name: 'some object' };", "sha384-tml8/Wx/TZ8FTfazxR54HN61zqUyzX4KuiBPxa/ot0X/oyEC19LmI+BqaeiDrzcE", ), ( "color:blue;font-size:46px;", "sha384-BLIqhqw5pbfWaCOlp8/xES7A5UVD7u8imzLvpHJ1sJW2gsIWoj+rLoPKH2OBMZUi", ), ( "var i = 1;", "sha384-exw+zZA219Su/XnwiE7j7V4yLVNpXk08+H71sGIABcOj8Nq+OiXLWOkPTUajb3tv", ), ( " var i = 1; ", "sha384-nZsnOT4KuSVu0hzbDrLEc3Qvy3ATghmXDEZ9Mof5QDMEsu40TtlH3KSMqTCNHNyu", ), ), ) def test_sha384_property(self, content, hash): inline = Inline(content=content) assert inline.sha384 == hash @pytest.mark.parametrize( "content,hash", ( ( "// some random text just for the test", "sha512-8Ig5oR6kSaFkAeZ2DQXCxTb9Q0E4roYZfFBaHhXZaB1xOTdFphjm72MkfDLp7SMoDGSIYBbXxtve5s2nXLhhtA==", ), ( "var someVar = { name: 'some object' };", "sha512-We1wStKIQ/9t0u/jKh5rNlYMMYlQtPrp5yfe7FQRqCkClsLKfRSDWfQ+eFKvJk/ciSIWdph3+dJ6sobCct9l2Q==", ), ( "color:blue;font-size:46px;", "sha512-D79kfJyq3IsfBLSk/JJmZtIHI1NnOyP2EnYG8DUjsfTQZLVgKXJd3oUXy0lsIskqUAdQ1XxS2nNtwBa7eYg+pA==", ), ( "var i = 1;", "sha512-9jfUbPKIo4icp7gZFa9Wvl3S9ofp2zdzxqqvOL1oLSV49b3I6MkVtyjM1ydPefCjLreZBlKa+iZwF1DLhUdgSQ==", ), ( " var i = 1; ", "sha512-KG0P+4FVrx4nU8/XARtZiktTanUC8ENoTN4/oyQG/O9n9NpdHiVIVpW8JWwrixq/7u9OWtDog6BJAcG199eqFA==", ), ), ) def test_sha512_property(self, content, hash): inline = Inline(content=content) assert inline.sha512 == hash class TestParse: def test_parse_detects_script_tags(self): doc = """ Some title Some body """ inlines = parse(doc) assert len(inlines) == 1 assert inlines[0].content == 'alert("hash this");' assert inlines[0].line == 5 assert inlines[0].position == 8 def test_parse_detects_style_tags(self): doc = """ Some title Some body """ inlines = parse(doc) assert len(inlines) == 1 assert inlines[0].content == ".someclass { background:#142a3f; }" assert inlines[0].line == 5 assert inlines[0].position == 10 def test_parse_detects_style_attributes(self): doc = """ Some title Some body """ inlines = parse(doc) assert len(inlines) == 1 assert inlines[0].content == "text-color: #000;" assert inlines[0].line == 6 assert inlines[0].position == 8 @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr", _EVENT_HANDLER_ATTRS) def test_parse_detect_attributes_with_js(self, attr): # Just to test they are detected even though some of them are # not valid for all elements doc = f""" Some title Some body """ inlines = parse(doc) assert len(inlines) == 1 assert inlines[0].content == "alert(1);" assert inlines[0].line == 6 assert inlines[0].position == 8 def test_parse_both_targets(self): doc = """ Some title Some body """ inlines = parse(doc) assert len(inlines) == 2 def test_parse_only_script_targets(self): doc = """ Some title Some body """ inlines = parse(doc, "scripts") assert len(inlines) == 1 assert inlines[0].content == "alert(1);" assert inlines[0].line == 7 assert inlines[0].position == 8 def test_parse_only_style_targets(self): doc = """ Some title Some body """ inlines = parse(doc, "styles") assert len(inlines) == 1 assert inlines[0].content == ".someclass { background:#142a3f; }" assert inlines[0].line == 5 assert inlines[0].position == 10 def test_version(): assert __version__ == "0.0.4"