"""CLI App. This file contains all the logic for the command line interface of this library. It makes use of the same tools available for those that install the package in order to be used programatically. """ from typing import List from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import URLError import argparse import inlinehashes import json def build_output( inlines: List[inlinehashes.lib.Inline], alg: str, full: bool = False ) -> str: """Build a JSON output from a list of Inline objects.""" snippet = "content" if full else "short_content" out = [ { "content": getattr(i, snippet), "hash": getattr(i, alg), "line": i.line, "position": i.position, } for i in inlines ] return json.dumps(out, indent=2) def run_cli() -> None: """Entry point of the command line interface.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("source", help="URL or local HTML file to check") parser.add_argument( "-a", "--alg", help="Hash algorithm to use (default: sha256)", default="sha256", choices=["sha256", "sha384", "sha512"], ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--full", help="Include full content in the output", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--target", help="Target inline content to look for", default="all", choices=["all", "scripts", "styles"], ) args = parser.parse_args() path = args.source target = args.target try: if path.startswith("http://") or path.startswith("https://"): req = Request( path, headers={"User-Agent": f"Inlinehashes[{inlinehashes.__version__}]"}, ) with urlopen(req) as response: content = response.read() else: with open(path, "r") as f: content = f.read() except (URLError, OSError) as error: print(error) print(f"Failed to get source: {path}") exit(1) inlines = inlinehashes.parse(content, target) out = build_output(inlines, args.alg, bool(args.full)) print(out) if __name__ == "__main__": run_cli()