
39 lines
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from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.conf import settings
from monero.address import Address
from pybitid.bitid import address_valid
def validate_monero_address(value):
address = Address(value)
except ValueError as e:
raise ValidationError(
_("%(value)s is not a valid address"), params={"value": value}
network = getattr(settings, "DJCL_MONERO_NETWORK", None)
if not network:
raise ValidationError(
_("Please configure the monero network in the settings file")
if network == "mainnet" and not address.is_mainnet():
raise ValidationError(_("Invalid address for mainnet"))
elif network == "stagenet" and not address.is_stagenet():
raise ValidationError(_("Invalid address for stagenet"))
elif network == "testnet" and not address.is_testnet():
raise ValidationError(_("Invalid address for testnet"))
def validate_bitcoin_address(value):
network = getattr(settings, "DJCL_BITCOIN_NETWORK", None)
if not network:
raise ValidationError(
_("Please configure the monero network in the settings file")
testnet = True if network == "testnet" else False
if not address_valid(value, is_testnet=testnet):
raise ValidationError(_(f"Invalid address for {network}"))