============================= Django-Cryptolock ============================= .. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/django-cryptolock.svg :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/django-cryptolock .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/dethos/django-cryptolock.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/dethos/django-cryptolock .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/dethos/django-cryptolock/badge.svg :target: https://coveralls.io/github/dethos/django-cryptolock Authenticatio using cryptocurrency wallets for Django projects This package provided a django app containing a set of utilities to make easier to implement the BitId and Monero Cryptolock authentication "protocols". Future releases might include other cryptocurrencies but for the being (until we reach some stability) the focus will continue BTC and XMR. **DISCLAIMER:** This package is still in an early stage of development. It isn't meant to be used on any production scenario yet (in other words, only test projects for now). Documentation ------------- The full documentation is at https://django-cryptolock.readthedocs.io. Quickstart ---------- 1. Install Django-Cryptolock:: pip install django-cryptolock 2. Add it to your `INSTALLED_APPS`: .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'django_cryptolock.apps.DjangoCryptolockConfig', ... ) 3. Migrate your database:: python manage.py migrate 4. Add the following settings to your project for the Monero Backend: .. code-block:: python AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = [ "django_cryptolock.backends.MoneroAddressBackend", ... ] DJCL_MONERO_NETWORK = "mainnet" DJCL_MONERO_WALLET_RPC_PROTOCOL = "" DJCL_MONERO_WALLET_RPC_HOST = ":" DJCL_MONERO_WALLET_RPC_USER = "" DJCL_MONERO_WALLET_RPC_PASS = "" 5. Add Django-Cryptolock's URL patterns: .. code-block:: python from django.conf.urls import url urlpatterns = [ ... url(r"^auth/", include("django_cryptolock.urls", namespace="django_cryptolock")), ... ] More detailed information can be found in the documentation. Credits ------- Tools used in rendering this package: * Cookiecutter_ * `cookiecutter-djangopackage`_ .. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter .. _`cookiecutter-djangopackage`: https://github.com/pydanny/cookiecutter-djangopackage